place out - take the language placement exam


  • Earn core credit for several courses in one semester
  • Save time and money
  • Make quick progress toward a language minor

What is the Placement Exam?

It is a 20-30 minute exam followed by a brief conversation with a professor from your language (French, German, or Spanish). We use the results to make sure you are placed at the correct level.

Why take the exam?

It is a great way to build on the work you have done in high school and, if you decide to take a course, to globalize your degree, whatever that may be. Studying a foreign language gives you access to exciting study abroad programs, makes you more attractive to employers, and is a great complement to ANY degree program. Taking the exam can also help save you a lot of TIME and MONEY (see below for details)!

Who should take the exam?

Generally we advise anyone who has had 3 or more years of a foreign language in high school, or who has a significant background in French, German or Spanish, to take the exam.

What if I am not planning on majoring in a foreign language?

You should still take the exam! Only a small percentage of the students who take the exam or enroll in a FL class are majoring in a language. Language courses are requirements for some degrees, and can count towards the Core Curriculum or as electives for any student.

How much does it cost?

Nothing. It’s FREE!

How do I prepare for it?

NO preparation is necessary. You just need to show up for the exam.

What if I take the exam but do not perform well?

The exam is not for a grade and has no impact on your academic record. It is just a way to see where you should begin in our sequence.

Does taking the exam mean I have to take a foreign language class?

NO! The exam just tells you where you would begin in our sequence.

How do I take the exam?

Contact to register for the online exam.

After the Placement Exam

Taking the placement exam can save you time and money: Depending on the results, you could place into a second-year or even third-year course. Then, if you earn at least a B in the course you take you can purchase the credits for ALL lower-level courses in the sequence for just $6/credit hour. Some students have been able to get 15 hours of college credit by taking just one course. That is a full semester of college!!!

Here’s a breakdown of how the system works (*student must earn a B in a UWG course to purchase credits – transfer or eCore credits will not allow you to do so):

Credit by Exam Breakdown      
Placed intoBuy Credits ForCost of CreditsTotal College Credit Hours Earned
FREN/GRMN/SPAN 10021001$186
FREN/GRMN/SPAN 20011001, 1002$369
FREN/GRMN/SPAN 20021001, 1002, 2001$5412
Any 3000-level course1001, 1002, 2001, 2002$7215

Once you have completed a course (with a grade of B or higher) that allows you to buy back credits, fill out this Credit by Examination form and send it to